For professionals:

Easyread, Learning Disability Awareness Training, Public Speaking from our Directors


Easy Read is the conversion of a document to something that is easier to understand.  It uses a mix of simple language with  useful pictures.  It also uses clear & large fonts with plenty of white space.  



Our community of learning disabled & autistic members find this sort of document or presentation much easier to understand.  We offer an Easyread translation service and can help make your documents better!


Click HERE to see our Easyread offering & pricing

Learning Disability Awareness Training

Public Speaking from our Directors

Our Directors Nick Benjamin and Sally Malit have been with Speak Out in Hounslow for over 10 years.  They manage 7 staff & 3 freelancers to support the running of 100+ activities every quarter.  


The Directors are responsible for fundraising, staff management and are part of the Management Committee of 8 Trustees (5 of whom have lived experiences of learning disabilities.) The Directors are responsible for the day to day running of our registered charity of 25 years standing. Our Directors enjoy talking to groups about what our organisation does and how it hugely improves the lives of adults with learning disabilities and autism. 

We are funded by a number of sources including the National Lottery.  But we also rely on donations. If you'd like one of our Directors to come & talk to your group or organisation, please get in touch.


We regularly attend groups to talk about Speak Out in Hounslow followed by a Q&A session if required. We charge a flat fee of £75 to come to your group although any donation above this amount is welcome and goes directly into Speak Out in Hounslow's funds to continue our important work.

 Get in touch if you'd like to book us in:

07949 076081

07949 076062 

Just Giving

Click the small icon below


BECOME A SPEAK OUT IN HOUNSLOW MEMBER! Click below to download a membership form.

SOH A4 membership form 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 358.1 KB
